China's energy-saving lamps encountered anti-dumping for the third time - energy-saving lamps, anti-dumping

After experiencing anti-dumping by the EU and India, Egypt recently passed a resolution to impose a 40-cent anti-dumping duty on China's energy-saving light bulbs. However, in the face of the "western" two-line attack, most energy-saving lamps companies in China did not appeal because they were afraid of the difficulty of appeal and the cost was too high. Industry insiders admit that sitting and watching will lead to more trade barriers.
Recently, the reporter learned from the website of the Ministry of Commerce that the Egyptian Administrative Review Committee recently passed the resolution on the anti-dumping duties imposed on imported energy-saving light bulbs submitted by the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry, levying 40 cents on energy-saving light bulbs from China, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. Anti-dumping duties. This is the third consecutive anti-dumping duty imposed by the European Union on China’s energy-saving light bulbs for compact energy-saving lamps in October last year, and the third time that domestic energy-saving lamps companies have encountered in anti-dumping duties against India’s energy-saving lamps exports in September last year. Sub-dumping strikes. However, in the face of the two-line attack between the east and the west, many domestic energy-saving lamps companies have given up their right to appeal to the European Court because they are afraid of the difficulty of appeal and the cost is too high. Government support

In the interview, the reporter learned that in the face of the EU's extended taxation and India and Egypt's successive anti-dumping investigations and rulings, domestic energy-saving lamps enterprises should not be overwhelmed. Many domestic energy-saving lamp companies believe that it is too difficult and costly to appeal the outcome of the Council of the European Union. Therefore, they choose to waive their appeal to the European Court and prepare for the anti-dumping investigation in India.

According to the indictment of the Indian anti-dumping investigation, a temporary tax rate will be introduced within 150 days, and once the tax rate is determined, it will be implemented for five years. If a high tax rate is imposed, it will curb the rapid growth of China's energy-saving lamps to the Indian market, and may even Make domestic energy-saving lamps enterprises lose the city of India

Lamps and beautiful pictures:

Latin American lamps Brushed chandelier Blue and white porcelain lamp Wild lamps

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